December 1, 2023
I can't believe that we are in Holiday season. Thanksgiving just happened and now it's about to be Jesus' birthday and then it's New Years Eve and we start year 2024.
November was great, because it's my birthday month. I got a tad lazy during my birthday week, but it was all good. Not a lot to report during the month, but we did have Kennedy come join us for a couple of lessons and we hope that she continues with us for more. The cold weather keeps knocking at the door, we've had some miserable cold rains. BUT.... lots of sunshine days too. ;-)
I can't believe that we are in Holiday season. Thanksgiving just happened and now it's about to be Jesus' birthday and then it's New Years Eve and we start year 2024.
November was great, because it's my birthday month. I got a tad lazy during my birthday week, but it was all good. Not a lot to report during the month, but we did have Kennedy come join us for a couple of lessons and we hope that she continues with us for more. The cold weather keeps knocking at the door, we've had some miserable cold rains. BUT.... lots of sunshine days too. ;-)
November 2,2023
Ok, last post wasn't quite spot on. I said I'd be back shortly to give a farm update, but I was thinking like 4 days, NOT 4 months! GEEZ!
Honestly, I think the pause started because I needed a few days to catch my thoughts. I had been worried about the fireworks for the holiday (and before ), and I was super relived when everyone was awesome and we had 0 issues. But the next night.........our super duper, most awesome, wonderful, best ever, FLY PONY had a severe colic that caused us to let him fly over the rainbow bridge. He was 36 years old, in great shape, living life to the fullest, but this made it time to let him pass. Winnie & I were by his side from the moment the pain started, so he was surrounded by love. He spent over half his life with me as a Making Strides Equestrian Equine. He was the first pony that we placed Winnie on, when she was only 2 1/2 months old. There are so many memories!!!! So that is the reason that I did not come back with an update in 4 days. I still didn't mean for the update to to take 4 months, but it is what it is.
During those 4 months, Wendy took over Fly's stall and she now gets the run of the farm being the oldest and the last of our original horses from back in the day. She was actually our first horse to come to the new property, along with Spencer, to enjoy a few days of untouched green grass. It was like spring break for just the 2 of them.
In August we took Toby off property by himself to a great farm nearby for an Athens Area hunter/ Jumper show. He was fantastic! He just went to practice, but he would have been fine to show. We are so proud of him!
Besides that, we have had typical HOT summer weather, we kept the horses happy by not riding a whole lot in the heat because they would be miserable, they had their fall vaccinations, they've been having farrier visits, the saddle fitter came out, Buster scared us with a puncture wound and also a colic/bloat issue, and Thunder & Buster celebrated birthday's.
Ok, last post wasn't quite spot on. I said I'd be back shortly to give a farm update, but I was thinking like 4 days, NOT 4 months! GEEZ!
Honestly, I think the pause started because I needed a few days to catch my thoughts. I had been worried about the fireworks for the holiday (and before ), and I was super relived when everyone was awesome and we had 0 issues. But the next night.........our super duper, most awesome, wonderful, best ever, FLY PONY had a severe colic that caused us to let him fly over the rainbow bridge. He was 36 years old, in great shape, living life to the fullest, but this made it time to let him pass. Winnie & I were by his side from the moment the pain started, so he was surrounded by love. He spent over half his life with me as a Making Strides Equestrian Equine. He was the first pony that we placed Winnie on, when she was only 2 1/2 months old. There are so many memories!!!! So that is the reason that I did not come back with an update in 4 days. I still didn't mean for the update to to take 4 months, but it is what it is.
During those 4 months, Wendy took over Fly's stall and she now gets the run of the farm being the oldest and the last of our original horses from back in the day. She was actually our first horse to come to the new property, along with Spencer, to enjoy a few days of untouched green grass. It was like spring break for just the 2 of them.
In August we took Toby off property by himself to a great farm nearby for an Athens Area hunter/ Jumper show. He was fantastic! He just went to practice, but he would have been fine to show. We are so proud of him!
Besides that, we have had typical HOT summer weather, we kept the horses happy by not riding a whole lot in the heat because they would be miserable, they had their fall vaccinations, they've been having farrier visits, the saddle fitter came out, Buster scared us with a puncture wound and also a colic/bloat issue, and Thunder & Buster celebrated birthday's.
July 4th 2023
Happy Holiday!
I'll be back soon to update whatever has been happening for the past month, but I wanted to give a quick holiday shout-out this morning.
Have a spectacular day!
Happy Holiday!
I'll be back soon to update whatever has been happening for the past month, but I wanted to give a quick holiday shout-out this morning.
Have a spectacular day!

June 3 2023
And yes, it's already HOT. It was 88 on our arena thermometer at 3:30 today. It still feels great outside over night though, so like always, the horses come inside to their stalls for the day and get the luxury of having a stall fan blow on them rather than standing in the sun. Then they go outside for the night.
Toby is doing great and taught his first lesson today. Ben had the honor of being his first lesson student. It was perfect! Hue took a short bareback ride on him earlier this week, and I finally rode him a couple of days ago. Normally, Winnie won't share him and has been doing all of his training rides. She even took him around a small jumping course. We're going to really enjoy this guy.
Buster went to a horse show in Conyers for Memorial day weekend and brought home lots of ribbons. Winnie and him have now graduated from 'once around/ twice around' crossrail courses and are doing full crossrail courses from now on. He spent 2 nights away from home with his horse show buddies and did just fine with that again. A big thank you goes out to AJ for picking up all the feeding shifts over the holiday weekend while we were away horse showing.
Caitlin has made it over for a couple of rides lately, but in another week or so, she heads off to Atlanta to begin her career as a veterinarian. Time flies!.
*****It appears that I missed mentioning that Wendy turned 29 on May 16, and that she's now been a part of the team for 19 years.******
And yes, it's already HOT. It was 88 on our arena thermometer at 3:30 today. It still feels great outside over night though, so like always, the horses come inside to their stalls for the day and get the luxury of having a stall fan blow on them rather than standing in the sun. Then they go outside for the night.
Toby is doing great and taught his first lesson today. Ben had the honor of being his first lesson student. It was perfect! Hue took a short bareback ride on him earlier this week, and I finally rode him a couple of days ago. Normally, Winnie won't share him and has been doing all of his training rides. She even took him around a small jumping course. We're going to really enjoy this guy.
Buster went to a horse show in Conyers for Memorial day weekend and brought home lots of ribbons. Winnie and him have now graduated from 'once around/ twice around' crossrail courses and are doing full crossrail courses from now on. He spent 2 nights away from home with his horse show buddies and did just fine with that again. A big thank you goes out to AJ for picking up all the feeding shifts over the holiday weekend while we were away horse showing.
Caitlin has made it over for a couple of rides lately, but in another week or so, she heads off to Atlanta to begin her career as a veterinarian. Time flies!.
*****It appears that I missed mentioning that Wendy turned 29 on May 16, and that she's now been a part of the team for 19 years.******
May 19 2023
Making Strides Equestrian has a NEW EQUINE! A Huge Warm Welcome goes out to our newest addition, TOBY. Toby lived in South Carolina and has done quite a few things in his past. He's done trails, worked with cows, tried barrel racing, and has been a kids horse. He arrived at the farm just a few days ago and is already learning the system around here. I can't wait for everyone to meet him, I'm hoping he's going to teach some lessons as well as travel off property with Buster to a few things. We're hoping he's a nice all around type of guy.
Since the last update, we did go to the local horse show for the day with Thunder and Buster. It was an adventure! They decided they were joined at the hip and would SCREAM for each other if they couldn't see each other. Winnie & Buster were still able to compete in their crossrails, but Thunder had to stand near the arena for support. When it was time to head home, Thunder had a flashback to his 21 months of not loading on the trailer. We tried and tried and tried and finally had to send Buster home without him. The horse show was able to loan us a stall and Thunder hung out for a couple of hours, still screaming and screaming every so often for his friend. Luckily, the horses there just ignored him. Tommy brought the trailer back that evening and we gave loading another shot. Luckily, he finally remembered that he could load, and we did get him home. WHEW! Now however, we aren't sure if he needs to leave again. He's loaded right up several times since then, but it might just be better to keep him here.
Winnie is out of school for the summer, college is out, my vet school student is now a VET, the weather is hot and humid, and daylight lasts soooooo much longer now.
Making Strides Equestrian has a NEW EQUINE! A Huge Warm Welcome goes out to our newest addition, TOBY. Toby lived in South Carolina and has done quite a few things in his past. He's done trails, worked with cows, tried barrel racing, and has been a kids horse. He arrived at the farm just a few days ago and is already learning the system around here. I can't wait for everyone to meet him, I'm hoping he's going to teach some lessons as well as travel off property with Buster to a few things. We're hoping he's a nice all around type of guy.
Since the last update, we did go to the local horse show for the day with Thunder and Buster. It was an adventure! They decided they were joined at the hip and would SCREAM for each other if they couldn't see each other. Winnie & Buster were still able to compete in their crossrails, but Thunder had to stand near the arena for support. When it was time to head home, Thunder had a flashback to his 21 months of not loading on the trailer. We tried and tried and tried and finally had to send Buster home without him. The horse show was able to loan us a stall and Thunder hung out for a couple of hours, still screaming and screaming every so often for his friend. Luckily, the horses there just ignored him. Tommy brought the trailer back that evening and we gave loading another shot. Luckily, he finally remembered that he could load, and we did get him home. WHEW! Now however, we aren't sure if he needs to leave again. He's loaded right up several times since then, but it might just be better to keep him here.
Winnie is out of school for the summer, college is out, my vet school student is now a VET, the weather is hot and humid, and daylight lasts soooooo much longer now.
May 3 2023
HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY to FLY!!!!!!!
Fly is rocking and rolling as good as ever. Nickering every day for us, having some trot days, canter days, bucking days as well as rolling time.
It's also gotten a little windy here the last few days, but otherwise the weather has been pretty great. Grass is green and the horses are shedding out. Thunders already getting chunky!
We just returned from the wonderful Tryon International Horse Park where Winnie competed in IEA Dressage Nationals. She qualified as one of the top 12 riders in the nation to be there, she was assigned to ride a lovely mare named Bella, and performed beautifully. However, when you are in the top 12, every little thing counts and she had 2 bobbles that cost her a ribbon in such great company.
Regardless though, it was a great time filled with so many fun things. High Schoolers & Middle schoolers everywhere, dance parties, games, Watching Competition in both H/J and dressage for 4 days, seeing friends and trainers as well as meeting new ones, shopping at vendors, college fairs, good food, riding in a golf cart, being in a parade, etc and etc. Our dressage IEA coach is also the President of the whole IEA, but we did sneak in time each day to stand ringside with her. Winnie's dressage teammate, Emma, came to Tryon just to support Winnie and hang-out which was so much fun! And my mom & brother drove up on Sunday just for the day to hang out and support Winnie. Great times!
Since our April update, here's what's been happening: Thunder gave me an Easter present by FINALLY deciding to get on the trailer again. HUGE Milestone right there! HUGE!! Now, he can accompany Buster to all the fun off property adventures. We're hoping to head out this Saturday and go play at a local horse show. I'm ecstatic that he's loading again.
Another big accomplishment this week was cleaning out my office space and getting it ready to become a functioning space. It's been neglected for the past few years and some unwelcome critters tried to make their home in there, which is why I had procrastinated in going in there. But we're all good now! Super exciting to get this going!
Buster almost went to a trail ride at Shakerag, but we had some rain the day before and we just weren't sure about it. Emma was going to meet us there to ride, but we decided to play it safe, leave the horses at home, and meet for lunch halfway since we're 2 hours apart.
I've had Thunder for 6 years now, and my awesome Kiedis dog would have turned 30 if he was still with us. Spencer would have turned 22 this month. We also had a vet visit for dental work this month and a farrier visit for their pedicures.
So far this month, I've been to a ladies church meeting, the monthly Equestrian's night out, and we've been riding.
Hugs go out to our teammate Amber, who has a job locally working ranch horses. She was attempting to back one up and it ended up falling causing her to break her fibula & tibia in her right leg because the horse used her leg while standing himself back up.
Another set of hugs go out to everyone in the huge h/j equestrian community due to the passing of Hannah, a 15 year old whose horse took a trip step causing him to fall at a competition in south Florida. I did read that the horse was luckily uninjured.
HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY to FLY!!!!!!!
Fly is rocking and rolling as good as ever. Nickering every day for us, having some trot days, canter days, bucking days as well as rolling time.
It's also gotten a little windy here the last few days, but otherwise the weather has been pretty great. Grass is green and the horses are shedding out. Thunders already getting chunky!
We just returned from the wonderful Tryon International Horse Park where Winnie competed in IEA Dressage Nationals. She qualified as one of the top 12 riders in the nation to be there, she was assigned to ride a lovely mare named Bella, and performed beautifully. However, when you are in the top 12, every little thing counts and she had 2 bobbles that cost her a ribbon in such great company.
Regardless though, it was a great time filled with so many fun things. High Schoolers & Middle schoolers everywhere, dance parties, games, Watching Competition in both H/J and dressage for 4 days, seeing friends and trainers as well as meeting new ones, shopping at vendors, college fairs, good food, riding in a golf cart, being in a parade, etc and etc. Our dressage IEA coach is also the President of the whole IEA, but we did sneak in time each day to stand ringside with her. Winnie's dressage teammate, Emma, came to Tryon just to support Winnie and hang-out which was so much fun! And my mom & brother drove up on Sunday just for the day to hang out and support Winnie. Great times!
Since our April update, here's what's been happening: Thunder gave me an Easter present by FINALLY deciding to get on the trailer again. HUGE Milestone right there! HUGE!! Now, he can accompany Buster to all the fun off property adventures. We're hoping to head out this Saturday and go play at a local horse show. I'm ecstatic that he's loading again.
Another big accomplishment this week was cleaning out my office space and getting it ready to become a functioning space. It's been neglected for the past few years and some unwelcome critters tried to make their home in there, which is why I had procrastinated in going in there. But we're all good now! Super exciting to get this going!
Buster almost went to a trail ride at Shakerag, but we had some rain the day before and we just weren't sure about it. Emma was going to meet us there to ride, but we decided to play it safe, leave the horses at home, and meet for lunch halfway since we're 2 hours apart.
I've had Thunder for 6 years now, and my awesome Kiedis dog would have turned 30 if he was still with us. Spencer would have turned 22 this month. We also had a vet visit for dental work this month and a farrier visit for their pedicures.
So far this month, I've been to a ladies church meeting, the monthly Equestrian's night out, and we've been riding.
Hugs go out to our teammate Amber, who has a job locally working ranch horses. She was attempting to back one up and it ended up falling causing her to break her fibula & tibia in her right leg because the horse used her leg while standing himself back up.
Another set of hugs go out to everyone in the huge h/j equestrian community due to the passing of Hannah, a 15 year old whose horse took a trip step causing him to fall at a competition in south Florida. I did read that the horse was luckily uninjured.
April 5 2023
March was awesome just like it normally is. (except for the lightning tragedy of 2021). It was filled with lots of beautiful weather days, grass is turning green, flowers are blooming, the bugs are BACK, horse hair is everywhere, the usual signs of spring.
For Winnie's 16th birthday, we took her on a surprise trip to Ocala to visit the much heard about fancy WEC, or World Equestrian Center. She had a close friend showing at WEC, plus another close friend living pretty close by, so that made it all that much more fun. She saw her previous barn people and I saw lots of old friends, we stayed in a great little house, it was really nice.
Also in March was Fly's first gotcha day (he's been in my life twice) and I've had the pleasure of knowing him for 23 years; Westley came over for a birthday dinner; mom & Curly came up and visited for a night; Winnie & I went and watched a Paint/Pinto horse show, and Ben squeezed in a lesson on Buster before the month ended.
April is off to a fantastic start. Saturday I went over to the Kel-Mac saddle Club Meet & Greet trail ride which was around the corner at the lovely Re-dux rescue farm; I didn't take a horse but I went to socialize with everyone. Saturday evening, Tommy & I went to our downtown Winterville free concert to see our friend, the mayor, band play. Sunday morning Tommy & I attended Cowboy church and Sunday afternoon the 3 of us loaded up for Watson Mill State Park to let Winnie & Buster share their first trail ride together. Winnie met up with a friend and they had a wonderful time, buster was amazing after a 2 year break from his previous trail ride. Monday & Tuesday I attended lunchtime holy week services at my church, and I hope to also go today, tomorrow, and Friday. Monday afternoon I attended the Women's group at church for the first time, and last night I attended Equestrians Night Out at a neat winery just 30 min away. Winnie is on Spring Break this week, Ben came over for a lesson on Thunder yesterday, and it'll be Easter soon.
March was awesome just like it normally is. (except for the lightning tragedy of 2021). It was filled with lots of beautiful weather days, grass is turning green, flowers are blooming, the bugs are BACK, horse hair is everywhere, the usual signs of spring.
For Winnie's 16th birthday, we took her on a surprise trip to Ocala to visit the much heard about fancy WEC, or World Equestrian Center. She had a close friend showing at WEC, plus another close friend living pretty close by, so that made it all that much more fun. She saw her previous barn people and I saw lots of old friends, we stayed in a great little house, it was really nice.
Also in March was Fly's first gotcha day (he's been in my life twice) and I've had the pleasure of knowing him for 23 years; Westley came over for a birthday dinner; mom & Curly came up and visited for a night; Winnie & I went and watched a Paint/Pinto horse show, and Ben squeezed in a lesson on Buster before the month ended.
April is off to a fantastic start. Saturday I went over to the Kel-Mac saddle Club Meet & Greet trail ride which was around the corner at the lovely Re-dux rescue farm; I didn't take a horse but I went to socialize with everyone. Saturday evening, Tommy & I went to our downtown Winterville free concert to see our friend, the mayor, band play. Sunday morning Tommy & I attended Cowboy church and Sunday afternoon the 3 of us loaded up for Watson Mill State Park to let Winnie & Buster share their first trail ride together. Winnie met up with a friend and they had a wonderful time, buster was amazing after a 2 year break from his previous trail ride. Monday & Tuesday I attended lunchtime holy week services at my church, and I hope to also go today, tomorrow, and Friday. Monday afternoon I attended the Women's group at church for the first time, and last night I attended Equestrians Night Out at a neat winery just 30 min away. Winnie is on Spring Break this week, Ben came over for a lesson on Thunder yesterday, and it'll be Easter soon.
MARCH 9 2023
It's MARCH!!! I LOVE March!!
March is a favorite month of mine, it's no secret. Magnum's birthday would have been Tuesday which was a beautiful, hot, sunny day as it always is. Winnie's birthday is tomorrow, the big 16. Westley's birthday is later in the month, Magnum's gotcha day is later in the month, March also makes me think about spring time and horses shedding out their coats, grass growing and turning green, and horses shows starting up. I love March!
Speaking of horse shows, Winnie & Buster had their crossrail debut this past weekend at Horse Show Ventures in Conyers. Buster wore his big boy pants and spent 2 nights away from home, They were reserve champion and won a ribbon in every class.
It's MARCH!!! I LOVE March!!
March is a favorite month of mine, it's no secret. Magnum's birthday would have been Tuesday which was a beautiful, hot, sunny day as it always is. Winnie's birthday is tomorrow, the big 16. Westley's birthday is later in the month, Magnum's gotcha day is later in the month, March also makes me think about spring time and horses shedding out their coats, grass growing and turning green, and horses shows starting up. I love March!
Speaking of horse shows, Winnie & Buster had their crossrail debut this past weekend at Horse Show Ventures in Conyers. Buster wore his big boy pants and spent 2 nights away from home, They were reserve champion and won a ribbon in every class.
Feb 3 2023
February started out on the sad side, our Ben jumped over the rainbow bridge at 30.5 years old. He spent 19 years with us but his time on earth has ended. He touched the lives of many, many, people and lives in their memories. He was truly special and wonderful in so many ways that there are not enough words to describe and discuss his greatness.
February started out on the sad side, our Ben jumped over the rainbow bridge at 30.5 years old. He spent 19 years with us but his time on earth has ended. He touched the lives of many, many, people and lives in their memories. He was truly special and wonderful in so many ways that there are not enough words to describe and discuss his greatness.
Jan 4, 2023
Welcome to 2023! I'm hopeful that 2023 is going to be just as great as years past have been.
December 2022 hit some really cold temperatures, even -7 degrees with the wind chill. We had ice in the troughs, ice in the water buckets, and it even froze the barn toilet and busted it. But the horses were amazing and handled it like pros. After those few days, our temps jumped right back up to mid 60's. MUCH BETTER!!!! And then last night into today we received 2 and 3/4 inches of rain that even flooded roads around us. We're starting the year with a little bit of crazy weather, but that's Georgia.
Welcome to 2023! I'm hopeful that 2023 is going to be just as great as years past have been.
December 2022 hit some really cold temperatures, even -7 degrees with the wind chill. We had ice in the troughs, ice in the water buckets, and it even froze the barn toilet and busted it. But the horses were amazing and handled it like pros. After those few days, our temps jumped right back up to mid 60's. MUCH BETTER!!!! And then last night into today we received 2 and 3/4 inches of rain that even flooded roads around us. We're starting the year with a little bit of crazy weather, but that's Georgia.